#19 Is Barrack Obama ready to be an effective, successful President of the United States?
#18 Do you feel comfortable and confident talking to an undecided voter?
#17 Do you believe the mainstream media's propoganda claiming the Presidential race is all but over and McCain has no chance to win?
Which Presidential Candidate Most Closely Shares Your Values and Worldview?
#15 Do you believe enough voters have considered the ramifications of electing Obama to lead an ultra-liberal Supermajority in Washington?
#14 Do you think Barrack Obama has the experience and judgment to lead our nation as President and Commander-In-Chief through the economic crisis, current and developing foreign challenges, energy crisis, and unforeseeable challenges?
Do you believe that a John McCain presidency would equate to 4 more years of Bush?
#12 Do you believe we ever got an honest and complete explanation of Barrack Obama's religous beliefs, including his belief in Black Liberation Theology and connections to Jeremiah Wright?
Do you find the Obama-Biden campaign's treatment of Joe "The Plumber" disturburbing?
#10 Are you willing to pay higher taxes in order to support more social programs?
By breaking his promise, does it concern you that Barack Obama may buy an election win with a $3-to-$1 spending advantage to include 30-minute primetime infomercials on CBS and NBC just 6 days before the election?
Considering the current, complex economic troubles for which many, many people share blame, can either candidate if elected president really avert the on-going crisis and spare America from the damage and hardship already spreading?
#7 - If Obama is Elected President, Will America Face an International Crisis Designed and Generated by a World Power to Test Obama as Joe Biden Predicted?
With so many lawsuits - including one from lawyer and prominent Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg - seeking proof of Obama's citizenship, do you think Barrack Obama should finally allow access to birth/hospital records that prove his citizenship?
#5 With the Obama campaign spending an all-time record amount of money on this election, do you think that John McCain should have also broken his pledge to accept public funding so he, too, could be free to spend as much money as he could raise privately?
#4 Do you believe recent media watchdog reports - several based on voter surveys - showing that the media is not only liberally biased, but is actively trying to help Barack Obama win by the coverage it provides?
#3 Do you believe the national polls predicting the outcome of the presidential election are accurate?
#2 - Do you think the modern presidential election process can be manipulated to the point of changing the outcome by fraudulent voter registration, "get out the vote" and other questionable voting manipulation practices?
Do you think too many voters are overly allowing their assessment of the current president’s performance to influence their choice for who should be the next president?
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